Before your initial consultation, you will be provided with all the registration paperwork necessary to begin your chart with us. This paperwork may be emailed, faxed, or downloaded from our website depending upon convenience and your personal preference. Completing the required forms prior to your first visit will expedite the admission process. If you do not have your new patient forms filled out ahead of time you will need to arrive 30 minutes early to your scheduled appointment. If you have any questions, please call us.


Prior to any scheduled surgery, you will be given written and verbal instructions on your preoperative requirements as well as post surgical instructions and necessary prescriptions. Our R.N. Surgical Coordinator, Corona Sodemann, is always available to answer any questions or concerns that may arise before, or after your surgery. You can also contact Heather Rubino, ST MA who can help guide you through pre- and post-op questions and concerns, as well as answer your financial questions.


We understand that the decision to undergo cosmetic surgery can be a complicated process. That’s why we encourage our patients to use their visit with us to become as informed as possible about the best procedures available to them which may assist them in reaching their specific goals. And cosmetic consultations are always free.


In rare instances, cosmetic surgery may be covered by your insurance. However, the majority of cosmetic surgeries are not covered by insurance. Payment is required two weeks prior to your cosmetic surgery. We accept cash, check, Visa, and Mastercard (debit or credit). Financing is also available. Please review our financial options under “Forms and Information” tab on the main page of our website.